So, we started sleep training, again, last night. The first time around got derailed by 2 front teeth and a cold. Last night I rocked him to sleep but he woke up when I set him down, so I decided it was time to try again. He stood in his crib for an hour and ten minutes crying pretty hard. Then he sat down. I helped him lay down and he passed out holding onto the side of the crib with his face pressed up against the bars. It was very sad! He stayed asleep until 2:45am. We considered it successful. We've decided to start slow and only work on falling asleep at bedtime in the crib. Once we have that under control then we'll move to night wakings. I figure the slow method worked with weaning so why not try it for sleeping too.
On the house front...we've lost our renters in the Round Rock house as of March1st! And we had to lower the price of our S. Austin house almost to our bottom limit. But on the plus side, we've had three people look at the house this week...two today. That's the same number of people who had looked at it in the last month. Keep your fingers crossed!
PS - Night 2
I rocked him for 6 min., laid him down, he screamed for 10 min. and was asleep! Amazing! Who knows how long he'll stay that way, but he's well on his way! Probably just a fluke because he's tired from only getting a 30 min. afternoon nap because of all the "house lookers" we had today.
PPS - He slept until 5am in his bed!!!
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