Thursday, December 31, 2009

Feed Me!

Today we gave Evan rice cereal for the first time to help him celebrate the New Year! I think he may have liked it better than the bottle...which is still a no go. We actually got through a good portion of it before he started fussing. I think some of it even went down so we're considering it a success!

I took Evan to the dr on Monday for his 3 month shots. He has been kind of snotty too so we saw the dr about that. He did give us prescription for antibiotics but kind of encouraged me to wait a few days and see how it goes. I got some saline spray and that seems to have helped a bit...except for the time he turned his head and I sprayed it in his eye. Anyway, he weighed 16 lbs 12 oz. He's a big boy but pretty much the same size as his brother was at this age. He hasn't been sleeping so well the last few nights...I definitely won't make it to midnight tonight.

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Santa brought Connor a Cozy Coupe which he calls "Bus" and Evan a Jumparoo...which it looks like he's more interested in Connor's toy. Connor was SOOOOO excited about his bus. He was in it straight from 8am until 3:30 pm when I had to drag him out to take a nap. Santa picked good!


They each got a rubber ducky and he's crying because he wants both...which eventually he ended up with because face it...Evan can't defend his toys yet.

It took 1.5 hrs to open all of our presents...and not because we had tons but because Connor was too interested in playing with each one. As you can see we had to just start handing them to him in his bus.

Experimenting with different ways of getting in the car...Dukes of Hazard style...the door doesn't open on this side.

He got some new Matchbox cars. When he saw what this present was his voice got really high and he said "Whoooaaa!" He loves cars!

Daddy got beer and beagle boxers!

Evan had quite the haul too! Lots of noisy toys!

Mommy's favorite present was Dance Dance Revolution...come over and play any time!

Thanks to everyone who sent presents! We had a great Hanukkah/Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Evan is 3 Months Old!

Evan is 3 months old today! He is getting so big! I just weighed him and he's a little over 17 lbs which is big but is about the same as Connor was at this age and Evan was born 1.5lbs bigger. He's started laughing when you play peek-a-boo and getting ticklish. He will be following in his brother's wild ways very soon!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Connor, Connor, Connor

Evan had his playgroup today. They're starting to get big enough to notice each other...very cute!

Connor's had another busy day. He got his first grass-stained knee today. He got put in time-out at someone else's house for the first time today (but the 3rd time in 24 hours). Speaking of time-out...not sure that one's gonna work. Yesterday he smacked my computer. I told him not to do it again or he'd go to time-out. I watched him think about it and you could see him think "What's she gonna do if I do it again?" So, he did it again. I took his toys away and put him in time-out. I think he was more upset about losing the toys than going to time-out. This discipline thing is going to have to be creative if he already doesn't care about time-out at 22 months!

But the big Connor story today was.....

Connor said "Juicy please." I said "Where's your cup?" Dave was checking his email and I was gathering cookies to go meet the other neither of us was paying close attention to what he was doing. He went to his drawer and got a cup. He went to the dog bowl, dipped his cup in and drank! I started laughing so hard that I couldn't do anything to stop him. This kid is constantly into something! I'm just glad I can still laugh at it!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cold, Cold, Cold

It's been REALLY cold here lately so we've been spending a lot of time inside. Connor has this little DVD player (which I highly recommend to every parent who wants a few minutes to make dinner or go out to dinner) that he calls "Me-moo." He has almost loved this thing to death in the last 6 months, but it seems to have rallied and is making a come back. It must know that we have a spare one waiting in the wings should it give out. Connor's also had one of his first extended colds this week. I'm pretty sure he got it when he licked the window of the playroom at Chik-Fil-A. You'd think he'd learn his lesson, but when we went there yesterday he licked a chair...weird dude!

While I was making dinner last night, Connor plopped right down in front of Evan and gave him some of his tools. Pretty cute!

Evan is growing so fast. He is very social and knows how to use his voice to get your attention. He can now roll left or right onto his back if you put him on his stomach. He still refuses a bottle, but he did fall asleep while Dave was holding him yesterday so that's a big accomplishment.

This beagle is AGAIN pushing her luck!

Funny things this week:

1) While I was feeding Evan, Connor jumped out the dog door. It was cold so I thought he'd come back in. After 3 min. I decided to go get him. He came walking towards me holding up his latest poop. I kept telling him to put it down, but he just continued to pick up more. He had 3 pieces by the time I got to him. YUCK!

2) Connor shoved a stuffed dog up his shirt and said, "Milk."

3) Connor is not getting into the holiday spirit. He will not let us read a Hanukkah or Christmas book. He calls Santa "Satan." And he keeps undecorating the tree. Maybe next year!

4) Sophie drank my spiked eggnog and then passed out on the couch.

5) Evan went to see Twilight for the second time!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Roll Baby!

Evan's not been so good about lifting his head up while on his belly so we've been practicing the last few days. This morning he decided he'd just roll right over onto his back instead of practice! I was amazed and of course I can't get him to do it again. When Connor was under 6 months I always felt that the cloth diapers were so big that they held him back on some of his physical development. This makes me think I'm right...Connor did this at 4 months and Evan's only 2. Or else it's just that the 2nd child develops faster because he wants to catch up with the first!

Also, Evan is starting to lose his hair not on top just on the sides and back so he's going to be left with a mohawk and a tail...not good!