Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Dave took the boys to his office kid's holiday party last weekend. Connor seemed to enjoy it a bit more than Evan!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

More Bonnie

Found this picture on my sister's blog....Bonnie's first try at the Bumbo! It won't last long, so I'm glad she's using it early! Connor was out of it by 3 months when I had to peel it off his chunky thighs!

My favorite part of this picture (other than the cute baby) is the little dog in the background! It looks like she's sticking out her tongue! Guess we know what she thinks of the new baby in the house!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We got a new little schnauzer last week. Her name is Scarlett and she is 10 months old. She was very calm at first but is starting to show her puppyhood...obviously!

We actually got dressed up and went downtown to Dave's holiday party last weekend. They had a great 80's/90's cover band! It was a lot of fun!

The boys love to take Daddy-back rides!

We have been really busy lately! My SimplyFun business is skyrocketing! I'm busy most weekends these days since it's that time of year when people want to buy games for their families! I was the top seller in the nation for the month of Nov and I'm top right now for Dec too! Let's see if I can do it two months in a row! My biggest issue with it is that I need to find one more person to sign up to be a consultant and then I get a promotion...even though I'm the top have to get consultants to sign up to move up! So I'm working on that! They are giving points for each dollar earned so I'm working towards a trip to AZ in Jan and a trip to Disney World in Sept! But, again, I need people to sign up to earn those trips! Darn! Check out my website...