Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yeah, My Kid's the Bully. So?

We went to lunch with the Baker's and the Ziaja's on Saturday and then took the boys to the duck pond. We put them on the blanket and let them loose. Connor obviously had some aggressions that he needed to take out.

First he tries to de-pants Corbin.

Then he bites Corbin on the ass.

Then he smacks Corbin on the ass.

Here he is giving his Dr. Evil grin.

Now he's giving Sawyer his dues.

Sawyer tried to escape the bully.

But Connor pulled him back.

Then we went to Addie's house for her mommy's 30th birthday party.

It looks like someone may have warned Addie about Connor tendencies.

Addie's mommy, Laura, hit the bottle a little too hard last night.

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