Saturday, February 2, 2008

Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band arrives!

Breezy, Josh, Jayme and Jayme's new girlfriend, Brandi came to stay on Thursday night. It was great to see them again and to hear all about the family and their travels. On Friday night, they were playing at Stubb's, a local music venue. They put us on the list and we decided to go ahead and go. I was a little concerned because it was outside and it's been COLD here, but it turned out to be the perfect place for me. We were able to stand in the back (near the beer for Dave) and not have it be too loud and more importantly not get bumped or stand too near any smoking. They played for about 45 min. and sounded and looked great! I'm so proud of them! Eventually it was the bathroom situation and the constant standing that sent us home, but we made it to 10:15 which is a BIG deal for an old, fat, pregnant lady! Thanks for the good time guys! Hopefully we'll see ya again soon!
Needless to say, I'm still pregnant. Nothing too much happening. They moved my appointment from Monday to Wednesday next week and they will do an ultrasound just to make sure things are ok in there! He's seems pretty happy though. It could be a LONG few weeks. I hope he realizes the longer he stays in the more guilt I have to give him later in life!
Today is Beagle Brigade! Hopefully Sophie decides to play with the other beagles today!

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