James, Laura and Addie have given us lots of presents. They brought us food this weekend! Thanks soooo much!
Aunt Lydia came to stay for a few days too to help out.
Our big joke around here is that Connor has my head and chin and Dave's butt. This kid can make noises that can be heard across the house.
Connor is 10 days old today. We are doing pretty well too. We have great friends and family who have really stepped up to help us out. Thank you to all!
My boobs are adjusting to their new lot in life. Baby Connor is a hungry one and loves to eat CONSTANTLY! He also believes that he must be touching Mommy or Daddy at all times or the world will end. He hates to have his diaper changed or his clothes, but equally hates having a wet/dirty diaper. He's got some healthy lungs and is not afraid to use them.
Sophie thinks he's pretty cool and wants to be involved in everything he does. Marley has yet to acknowledge his existence. Both dogs have regained bed privileges so everyone is happy at night. Sophie was VERY unhappy about being kicked out of the bed. She peed on the floor 3 nights to show us exactly how she felt about it all.
Connor goes back to the doctor on Friday. I'm guessing he's back up to his birth weight by then.
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