Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Good news...kind of!

So we went back to the doctor today. We saw the Registered Midwife who works there. She did an ultrasound. It was just a little portable machine, but she could do measurements. They showed he's not as big as they thought. Only 7 lbs. Ofcourse this is also after the doctor told us last week that she thought that her feeling and giving us a guess on weight was more accurate than an ultrasound. Anyway, he will be some where between a normal size baby and a toddler.
She did do an exam too and I made a little progress...80% effaced and dilated to 1. We asked a couple of questions about guessing when he'll make his appearance...she really didn't know. In the ultrasound he was sucking away on his fingers...I tried to tell him I'd feed him if he came out, but he's still thinking about that. So I guess we're still waiting and definitely NOT in control of this situation! Dave's been working away trying to get his projects to a point where he can leave them. I'm thinking I will take next week off. Each time I go to work I come home with a huge club foot. Ofcourse I usually come home having contractions too so maybe I should be working more and not less.

So, everyone say, "Connor, come out!" out loud when you read this and maybe that will be enough force to get him out! Worth a shot, huh?

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