Thursday, February 21, 2008

Boob Job

Connor and Mommy finishing up one of Connor's favorite
activities...eating! This leads to his other favorite activity....
leaving "presents" for Daddy in his diaper!

Connor taking his first nap in his play-yard.

No one told my boobs they would be working full-time when the baby came. They are very unhappy about that. All those Le Leche people who say you're not doing it right if it hurts...lie! I think they mean once you have established it...not in the beginning. But I've made it almost 1 week now and I've decided to just take it a week at a time.

Connor is doing wonderfully. He's unconcerned about the unhappiness of the boobs and demands that they perform often. He's starting to uncurl and makes sure that we know exactly what he wants at all times.


Anonymous said...

Oh those lactating experts really are sanctimonious aren't they?

Prepare yourself for more pain...nursing is hard. They should've told you that. Let's see, this is what I encountered during my nursing journey. Bleeding nipples, yeast infections on my nipples (and in Laney's mouth), mastitis and many other lovely things that left me feeling more like a cow than a woman.

It does get easier, this is true. And for most women and babies, it's quite easy. This was not the case for me. So I send you God speed my lactating friend ;)
Hope I didn't scare you....

Anonymous said...

Aww sarah i feel for you!! I will learn with this new baby just what that feels like. I'm gonna try!! Well connor is soooo handsome!!! Congrats to you both!!!!! :) Can't wait to meet him! love Scott and Erica

Trista said...

A hot shower helps. Let the water just beat down on "them". It does get easier---Get the boob cream. Can't remember the name of it--but it helps. You need to send Dave to the pharmacy and have him ask for the "boob cream" (hehehe).

Take care!!!!