Thursday, September 30, 2010

Could It Be? #3

Yep, that's it! (In more ways than one!)

I've had some troubles with this one and it turns out it's just a bit smaller than we originally thought. #3 is due May 25, 2011!

I've had cramps, bleeding and low progesterone levels. We were pretty sure that this one wasn't going to make it, but it just kept sticking with it and seems to want to be here. I've been on progesterone pills for a few weeks and those seem to be working. I haven't had any real morning sickness yet, but maybe that's because I'm not as far along as I thought. The baby is only measuring 6 weeks and I thought I was 7 weeks. So let's keep our fingers crossed that it just keeps fighting and that all this drama just means it's a girl!

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