Monday, February 22, 2010

Soccer Tots

Today we went to a place called Soccer Zone for a sample of their Soccer Tots class with our moms group. As you can see Connor likes soccer balls. At first he was upset because his pants got dirty from sitting on the artificial turf, but he got over that pretty quickly.

Here he is actually following the one direction he followed the entire time we were there.

All he did the entire time was carry a soccer ball around and kick it except when they asked him to get a soccer ball. Then he wanted nothing to do with it. He's actually pretty good at kicking and walking while kicking.

Shia and Connor are spinning in their own little worlds while everyone else is doing what the teacher asks.

At one point he just took his own time out. Oh well, it was fun none the less. I think we will wait until this summer when tumbling class is over to do this...and maybe Connor will be better at following directions...I won't hold my breath though!

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