Monday, February 15, 2010

Connor is 2!!!!

Connor turned the big 2 today! We went to the dr and then to the store where he found this gigantic T-Rex that he obviously loves. Everything checked out at the dr. He's 28 lbs (50%) and 34 1/4 in (50%) so he's right on track except that he only has 13 teeth. He's been "riding" the dinosaur around the house. At one point I heard him say "meat eat" and I went over and he'd stuffed a smaller dinosaur in it's mouth. I guess he understands that whole concept!

Shia and Dov and lots of other friends came to play at his Dinosaur party on Saturday. We hunted dino eggs, dug for dinos in the sand box and played on the new playscape. It was lots of fun.

Addie and her mommy liked coloring dino pics, but Addie was really just there for the cake!

Connor got lots of new dinos. Thanks to all our friends for coming to play and for all our new toys!

Auntie Nora made this adorable dino cake. It was red velvet and yummy!

Mommy and Daddy with the birthday boy!

Daddy helped Connor open his presents. He got a big trash truck which he calls "garbage can" and a Magna Doodle along with all the dino stuff.

The aftermath...we can't wait to turn 3!

Next on the agenda is Connor's surgery on Thursday. We hope all goes well and we're ready to play again by the weekend.

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