Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ferber - Night 1

So, I'm not getting much sleep and have decided that maybe it's time for Connor to move into his own bed full time. So I bought the Ferber book and after the whole fever thing, decided last night was the night. I gave him a bath, we played a little more to make sure he was tired, read some books and then nursed. I kissed him and put him in his bed and that's when the screaming started. I went back in after 3 min. and then again after 5 more min. Then after 10 more minutes I went in and he was standing in his crib crying and when I tried to hug him he threw up a little. So I mopped it up and laid him down again. After just 3 more min. I didn't hear any screaming for about 5 min. I was amazed that it was working so quickly and of course worried something was wrong. I called Nora to get some advice and mid-call heard more crying. I waited a few more min. and went up to him. He was standing again. I hugged him in his crib for a few min and then laid him down again and patted his butt. He fell right to sleep (9:35pm) and didn't make a noise until 2am. Then I turned him on his side, patted his butt and he was down again. Around 3:45am he made some noise, but I don't remember getting up that time. Then at 5:15am he woke again so I brought him in bed with me and nursed him. He slept until a little after 7am when my alarm went off (had to get a flu shot).

All in all, I'm calling it a successful night. He stayed in his crib from 9pm until 5am. So that's a big deal...that's sleeping in his crib, sleeping alone and not nursing during the night. Those are some pretty big hurdles for a baby. I'm guessing tonight might be a little rougher since he'll figure out I was serious and not just a one time thing. We'll see.

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