On Saturday, Connor turned 9 months old! I cannot believe he's growing so fast. We went to the doctor's this morning. He was 22 lbs. 8 oz. which put him in the 75-90%. Hard to believe, right? But I guess the crawling and pulling up on everything must be a good work out. He's also been a little difficult to feed lately (as you can see in the picture) so we need to work on getting him used to more solids. The doctor actually talked to me about how to get more calories in him (butter and cheese on things). I never thought she'd talk to me about feeding him more.
He's 29.5 inches tall and, of course, his head is still off the charts (big brains). He had some blood drawn and didn't cry at all. His hydrocele has completely closed up so no hernia. Yeah! We are going to work on weaning by the end of the year. He will actually take 4 oz. of formula from a sippy cup now! Big improvement...I told the doctor that we're still using the free can of Similac that they give you in the hospital. After the puking incident last night, he slept for 5 straight hours, then I nursed him and he slept 3 more. This afternoon he took an hour nap in his crib and tonight I haven't had to go back in there yet. He's been fussing off and on for 15 min., but not enough to warrant a reassuring visit. Maybe we'll both get a little sleep tonight...doubtful!
Today we went to UT to participate in an infant study. They had him sit and watch a screen and they showed pictures of objects 2 at a time. Then when he got bored with that, they showed two trees and then three trees to see if he noticed a difference. Not sure if he did or not...he got bored real fast but was very cooperative. He got a Bevo bib for his troubles. Then we had playgroup! It was a very busy day for a little guy.
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