Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A little over two months ago, Connor learned to roll from his belly to his back. I have spent the last two months trying to convince him to go from his back to his belly. Tonight I finally figured out the motivator...the remote control and my cell phone! He loves gadgets like me! I should have known. He rolled right over and grabbed the phone and then rolled back onto his back. He does not like to be on his belly. I'm doubting he'll ever crawl, but at least tonight he made his first move toward an object. He has also been diving for me lately. He'll dive for me or for a toy and end up on his face and very unhappy. Walking can't be far behind!

Tomorrow morning we go to the doctor for his 6 month check up. Do you think they have a 120th percentile?

1 comment:

Sarah Jean said...

I can't wait to read about his six month stats! Great pics...where have our "babies" gone?!!