Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Last night we had a little Christmas party. We are thankful that we have so many great friends and that a few of them were in town to join us. Here are the Wyatt's. Aleah (in the middle) was in my first grade class 3 years ago. Her little sister, Lauren, was in my first grade class last year that I left for my new job. Aren't they cute?

Dave got some really big presents this year. They were so big that he actually had to wrap them himself. I hope he doesn't look too closely at the tags because he did those himself too!

My dad's cousin, Joyce, sent a hand-made sweater and blanket to Connor for Christmas. They are beautiful and very special.

Connor has been busy lately. He's not letting Mommy get much sleep. I think he's trying to dig his way out! The books say that he is around 4 lbs. and 17 inches. One even said "No wonder you're feeling massive!" And that's pretty much how I feel. He decided to try hanging out on the right side this week, but he changed his mind and went back to the left. He's still getting the hiccups a couple of times a day (2 am is the current favorite time). We go back to the dr. on Friday.
Sophie too has been busy....stealing. We have baby gates around the house these days. She's eaten her fair share of books, notebooks, carpet, grass, trash and who knows what else this week. We need to be better about walking her. I contacted a doggy daycare center. She can go for $20/day and I think it's worth it to the house to send her once in a while. She's definitely spending more than that in destroying things. We did get a laser light last night and that was big hit with the pups! Sophie runs around chasing it. Marley just stares at your hand waiting for you to drop it so she can try to eat it! Fun for all!
We hope that everyone is happy and healthy and stays safe this coming year!

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