Sunday, December 16, 2007

Baby Days!

We had a doctor's appointment on Friday. Everything's fine. Still gaining weight as fast as possible, but Connor seems happy so I guess I'll just have to deal.

Saturday morning we had our 2nd Lamaze class. We got to see a birthing video. I'm thinking I can handle the pain part of the labor. It's the actual coming out of my body part that is giving me a hard time. I mean I've walked 21 miles in the rain with huge blisters on my feet, walked 26 miles in a marathon and run 21 miles with severe leg pain. I've worked through pain before...granted not in that part of my body, but I have had severe pain before. It's the whole baby coming out of my hoo-ha that's got me worried. We went to the Labor & Delivery floor and got to see a room. Then on the way out we saw our doctor. Atleast we know she knows where the hospital is.

Then we got to babysit James and Laura's baby, Addie. It was fun. She's a good baby. Sophie spent the first 15 minutes trying to get at her, but then she settled down. Marley did her usual "Baby? What baby?" and sat on my lap while I was holding Addie. We were supposed to double swaddle her but couldn't figure out how to do it with a little blanket so we just used the dummy proof one....which thank goodness Laura has gotten us 2 of those so maybe Connor will be alright. We had a good time! Dave told her about how to buy pickles at the store and also a story about a princess buying a king an office chair. (His birthday present.) I want to know why he was a king and I was a princess in the story. Addie got to sleep in Connor's room. It is all ready to go and she seemed to think the mattress with the vibration motion to it was a grand idea. Hurry up Connor!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doing good, Mommy and Daddy 2Be! The best blanket in the world is called The Miracle Blanket...I will send you a link. It's like a baby straight jacket, even baby Houdini himself couldn't get out that thing. Laney slept swaddled in it until she was 6 months old!