Sunday, September 9, 2007

Not long now!

We had a doctor's appointment this past Thursday. We actually got to speak to the dr. and ask her some questions. We liked her so we've decided to stick with this office. But the big news of this visit is that we have an appointment for the anatomy ultrasound. So we will find out on September 26th whether it's a boy or a girl. I can't wait!!! Then maybe I can make a decision about the theme and get the registry done and choose paint and .....

Luckily, one of my friends is due on Sept. 26th. That way we can practice a little before having to actually take one home with us. We've signed up for all the classes the hospital offers. Hopefully with all of these things, we will have a small idea of what to do with it! We're pretty nervous. Dave seems to think that I just automatically know what to do and is trusting me to make the decisions. I think that's a lot of pressure for a girl! I told him I know what to do with them when they hit school-age, but no ideas before that! I guess that's why they make books and websites!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the classes. We learned a lot, but none of it really prepared us. We felt really stupid to ask the nurse before we left the hospital with Ashley how to bathe the baby. And,I hate to say it, but Dave's more right than you think. You'll be shocked how comfortable you'll be and what a natural you'll be, too. You'll be great!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,

A good book (and funny) for new moms is:
The Girlfriends' Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood by Vicki Iovine.

Also, as a mom of a currently ill kid, ask your new pediatrician questions like, "At which symptoms am I allowed to call you and freak out?" (I thought 102.7 was a high fever and wanted to freak out... turns out, our pediatrician told me not to even bother if it's not yet 103 or 104. HOLY COW!) For the record, I'm learning. Kid was at 104.6 at midnight last night- I wasn't exactly calm, but I didn't call the doc. We waited it out with motrin, fluids and cold cloths- and she's better today!

Moral of the story: if you don't know, ask the doc. You'll be fine!

PS: I'm placing my bet for a girl. :)
