Friday, September 21, 2007

I think I felt it!

Well, when Dave came to bed last night at 2am he asked me if I was awake. AND....I wasn't until then! So then he fell asleep and I couldn't get back to sleep! So I was laying there and felt something funky. I told one of my friends that it felt like someone trying to get out of a balloon. I'm pretty sure that it was the baby, but who knows. I haven't had time to sit quietly today and see if I can feel it again.

Wed. is the big day. I can't wait to finally find out what it is. People have been asking me whether I think it's a boy or girl and really I can't say. I haven't had any dreams or anything. BUT...yesterday I suddenly started saying "she." I have no idea where that is coming from. It probably just ensures that it's a boy!

Also yesterday I got an email at work saying they are looking into getting an on-site daycare for infants and toddlers. It's about $300 cheaper than the typical daycare center AND IT'S ON-SITE! If that goes through, that might change some of my plans for going back after "she" is born. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that it comes through!

I'm going to attempt yoga again this weekend. I'm sure I'll have a funny story from that, so check back!

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