Monday, June 7, 2010

World Record

We're pretty sure Connor was going for a World Record
puking! He started puking a little before 4pm and by the time I called
the dr two hrs later he'd puked 16 times. In all this evening I think
he was up to 21 times in 4 hrs!

We took him to the after hours clinic and the dr was concerned that
maybe he'd swallowed something and that was his body's way of trying
to get it out. So they did a chest x-ray and found nothing. He started
feeling better while we were there. He didn't talk during this whole
torturous ordeal but started asking for juice and was very excited
when they gave him a Pedialyte Popsicle...which he threw up on the way
home. But he seems to have stopped puking and we're hoping it was food
poisoning which would mean the rest of us won't get it!

Also between his 3rd and 4th round, Marley decided she wanted to join
the fun. She puked all over the breakfast nook and into the family
room. I promise you wouldn't believe how much it was! So Dave is steam
cleaning the carpet at 10pm so we can let Evan crawl on the floor
again tomorrow. Poor baby was locked in walkers and bouncy things or
moved to the front room for the whole evening. Let's just hope all
this is over and never ever comes back!

Sent from my iPhone

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