Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Happy 3rd Anniversary!
The Real Housewives of Pflugerville (Last night many of went for a Twilight marathon that lasted from 6:15pm to 2:15am! It was lots of fun!)
Today is our 3rd anniversary. It's been a wonderful (extremely productive) three years and we hope for many, many more happy years together to come!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Bodie is lab mix, maybe with Border Collie because he has a white patch on his chest and some on his feet, but he has a lab head and tail and is as big as a horse! He was a stray and had been at the shelter for 10 weeks. We think maybe his number was coming up sooner than later. He was the only dog in the place not barking when all the others were having a fit....he quickly remedied this when we got home. He is around 1 yr old and 65 lbs and is very sweet and calm. Marley is completely oblivious to him, but Sophie is scared to death by him. She's been on her best behavior this wekend (or maybe it was the trip to the pound that showed her what life CAN be like). The boys like him but he's a little too rambunctious when he gets to playing so they keep their distance. He's got this massively deep, booming bark that will scare away anything that comes near him. He has a lot of potential and we can't wait to see how well he fits into our home.
So if you have a little space, please go check out your local shelter.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Grandma Betty & Grandpa Joe Visit
We went back to the Dinosaur Park last week. We had a good time and found some fun Little People Dinosaurs, mommies and babies, to bring back home with us.
Grandma Betty and Grandpa Joe came to help out while Daddy went to Buffalo for his 20 yr High School reunion and a family party. We had a good weekend and Connor really enjoyed the visit!
Evan had fun too!
I know you're not going to believe me, but this was the best shot I could get. I tried 5 different times to get them all looking the same way with their eyes open and this one (with the finger up the nose) was the best I could do.
Connor went to the dentist for the first time today. They let him sit on my lap and then lay down backwards in to their laps to do the cleaning (brush his teeth quickly) and exam (look fast in between screams of "No!"). He actually did pretty well though, but I'm sure it'll be a few years before he's ready to sit in the chair...can't say as I blame him.
Then when we got home Connor was being kind of mean to Evan. He was squatted down in his face and making mean faces and saying "No Enan!" So Evan decided to just crawl into him and head-butt him and knocked him back on his booty! It was really funny and very deserved. I'm sure there will be many more of these little exchanges in the future.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Field Trip
We got potatoes, tomatoes, green beans and a large garlic. It was a lot of work for me to get both boys into the stroller and keep Connor busy and Evan in sight while I tried to gather what I was looking for. I must admit I was a bit disappointed by the layout and the amount of work it was for me personally. I'm sure it was much easier for other people though. I'm hoping that we won't be disappointed by the produce. I've already put the potatoes in the crock pot with the roast so we'll see tonight.
While I was waiting in line to pay, the lady in front of us said, "Oh how sweet! He's eating the tomato just like an apple." I, of course, had no idea he was doing that and quickly grabbed it from him since you pay by the weight. He had a few bites of it and then tossed it on the floor of the car. I started to feel worried because I hadn't had a chance to wash, but then reminded myself that the worst thing that was probably on it was dirt since it came from an organic farm.
While I was driving there I saw a sign for a farmers market. So on the way home we stopped. It turned out to be the Cedar Park Farmers Market right by the Gold's Gym off 1431. This was huge...comparatively...and had probably 20-25 stands. They had everything from grass-fed beef, chicken and eggs, milk to popsicles....and at decent prices. I know the eggs were $4 a doz and the ones I got from Greenling yesterday were $6.59 and the ground beef was $5.50/lb and what I got yesterday was $7.50/lb. So I'm thinking it may be worth my while to visit this little find each weekend.
We got some peaches and Connor again had to have one right away...I think he enjoyed the little trip. This Farmer's Market is just the right size with lots of variety to make it worth the extra drive! Also I must admit that I felt cleaner after leaving there. I always feel dirty after leaving the grocery store from the carts being so gross and I didn't have that feeling after leaving there today!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Evan Sleeps
New Blog
So if you'd like to check up on what I find, just check the Blog List on the right hand side of this blog!
Monday, June 7, 2010
World Record
puking! He started puking a little before 4pm and by the time I called
the dr two hrs later he'd puked 16 times. In all this evening I think
he was up to 21 times in 4 hrs!
We took him to the after hours clinic and the dr was concerned that
maybe he'd swallowed something and that was his body's way of trying
to get it out. So they did a chest x-ray and found nothing. He started
feeling better while we were there. He didn't talk during this whole
torturous ordeal but started asking for juice and was very excited
when they gave him a Pedialyte Popsicle...which he threw up on the way
home. But he seems to have stopped puking and we're hoping it was food
poisoning which would mean the rest of us won't get it!
Also between his 3rd and 4th round, Marley decided she wanted to join
the fun. She puked all over the breakfast nook and into the family
room. I promise you wouldn't believe how much it was! So Dave is steam
cleaning the carpet at 10pm so we can let Evan crawl on the floor
again tomorrow. Poor baby was locked in walkers and bouncy things or
moved to the front room for the whole evening. Let's just hope all
this is over and never ever comes back!
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Wild Man
He's getting picky about meal time too. He wants to feed himself and smacks the spoon when I try to feed him. I think I looked just as bad as he did after this episode. He still doesn't have any teeth so it's hard to find things that are hard enough that he can pick up but soft enough to gum.
Connor wanted to get in on the picture taking! Connor has moved into Pull-Ups which he calls underwear. He is also voluntarily sitting on the potty. We haven't actually used the potty yet, but he's interested. He can even get his "underwear" off by himself and sit on the potty alone! Big boy! He's also grown 1.25" in the last 3 months! He's turning into a boy!
We started sleep training with Evan. He gets mad when I set him in the crib, but the first night he only cried for 34 min before rolling over and falling asleep...on my hand. The second night was 30 seconds and the third night he just went to sleep. We did do some naps in there too so he's getting lots of practice in going to sleep in there. The problem seems to be staying asleep. The first two nights he was done around 2:30 am and I brought him in, but last night it was 12:30. I tried to let him cry back to sleep but 45 min later and I just brought him to bed. Poor little guy is so sad in there. So we're making great strides but still have a ways to go...but he's only 8 months old! He's also too busy wreaking havoc during the day! So he's not nursing which means he wants to "fill up" at night...which is our main problem! We'll get there soon though I'm sure.
San Antonio
Then we went to a dinosaur exhibit. That was lots of fun. We also did a boat tour of the Riverwalk. Connor thought that was cool too....but again very hot and crowded. We stayed on the Riverwalk to make life a little easier. We were able to walk to restaurants and do a bit of sight seeing.
Then we went to Sea world. Connor was very excited to see Shamu. The hotel had a picture of Shamu on the elevator that we had to look at A LOT.
We missed the first Shamu show so we decided to get our souvenirs first. I think Connor would have been ready to go with just this stuffed Shamu. He sleeps with it and sometimes says "Oh Shamu!" and squeezes it really hard. Evan on the other hand isn't too interested and spent most of the time at the park dangling Shamu over the edge of the stroller and dropping him.
The penguin house is my favorite. Connor wasn't too happy about this giant penguin though. It kept trying to turn his head so Dave could get the picture, but each time it touched him he almost jumped out of my arms.
We finally got to see Shamu!
It was a long day, but lots of fun!
We also got to see some of my friends and family that live in San Antonio. We packed a lot into a couple of day and had tons of fun! Can't wait to go back!