Monday, September 7, 2009


We took the dogs to the vet on Saturday to make sure they were up to date on everything before the baby comes. Turns out Sophie has an ear infection and Marley has a gum infection. Marley is going in Wed to have her teeth cleaned and some growths removed (again). She may not survive this procedure, but she also may not make it long swallowing these bad germs. So we're taking the chance and hoping it all turns out for the best. Her heart sounds good and she's been pretty healthy for the last year so we think it'll be ok. On the other hand, dealing with Sophie's ear infection has become a twice daily battle. We have to put ear wash in once a day and antibiotic drops twice a day. You'd think we were trying to light her on fire the way she reacts...and runs. And each episode gets a little worse. We need to the vet, or a sumo wrestler, to come over twice a day to help us do this. Hopefully it all clears up soon and we win the Beagle Battles.

Connor is doing well. He tried to run away 3 times this week, but luckily I was close behind each time. I'm not sure what's going to happen though when Evan comes and I have to chase this child down while dealing with a newborn. Should be some interesting posts to come.

Evan is continuing to grow larger every day. I'm having MUCH trouble sleeping due to muscle cramps, getting up to pee hourly and just plain being uncomfortable. But only a few more days and Dave will be joining me in the lack of sleep so at least I won't be wandering the house alone at night any more. That does make me feel better.

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