Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Tooth #8 broke through today! Yeah! He was kind of crabby this morning and just not himself, but he took a 3 hours nap and he's been ok since. Just not that into food...just grapes and strawberries.

So I was reading Connor a book about daddies before he went down for his nap. I asked, "What do Daddy's say?" He said, "Uh-oh!" I busted a gut. Then I taught him that Mommy's give kisses. And the best part is that he will do it again when I ask. I think it's hysterical...Dave...not so much!

We went to Babies R Us and got some of the supplies we'll need for Evan. We were able to borrow some of the big stuff again so we just had a few things to get. Only 6 more weeks! Time to kick it in high gear and get ready!

Ultrasound tomorrow...hopefully we'll get a picture.

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