Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Our friends, the Shaftel's, were kind enough to donate their train set to our boys. Today was the first time we'd gotten to play train and I think Connor will enjoy it for years. Right now he's not so crazy about the tracks, but I'm sure that will change.

Right after this picture he destroyed everything and just carried the pieces around going "choo-choo."

Then he crawled into this cabinet and stuffed all the train pieces he had through the hole. So I had to take out the drawer to find them. He decided it looked like a great place to crawl into....loves throwing things out of the cabinets and crawling in. But it was a bit of a tight squeeze...he soon started yelling "stuck" and had to be pulled out...but not before I got a picture!

I had a minor sickness yesterday. Not sure what happened but I was coughing and had some serious heartburn...stabbing pain and then developed a low-grade fever. It was mostly gone by the time I got up this morning, so not sure what it was but I'm glad it's gone.

I'm 32 weeks today! I started to notice some swelling yesterday, but not feeling well I've spent enough time sitting with my feet up to get it to go away. That was soooo painful last time...I hope it's not as bad this time.

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