Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Amanda and Aiden came to visit us last weekend! We had a great time! Aiden helped us learn what needs to be baby-proofed in the house. He helped Dave put plastic corners on the coffee table and then proceeded to rip them all off! Guess we need to find a different kind that's actually baby-proof! He and Sophie were equally scared and intrigued by each other. He kept her on her toes!

Connor is working on smiling. I have seen him smile about once a day for the last week. He showed his smile to Amanda this weekend and for the first time to Daddy last night. He's a very serious little boy and doesn't want to show his smile too much and have people think he's clowning around. I will keep trying to get a picture of an actual smile, but it may be a while.

See what I mean!

Daddy and Connor resting and watching Star Trek.

Connor likes to be held ALL the time. This little invention helps us be close but still get things done.
Can you see all those chins? Who knows what's actually hiding in there!

Connor in his first pair of overalls. Isn't he cute?

Connor's girlfriend, Addie, came over again on Saturday. Connor only weighs about 2 pounds less than Addie and he's 4 months younger! Maybe he's trying to bulk up to show off!

I just took this. I finally got him into a deep enough sleep to put him down. He hates the swing and will only sit in it if completely unconscious.

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