Friday, March 28, 2008

doctors visits

We've had a busy week. Connor and I have been getting out more...whether he likes it or not. He's not a big fan of the car, but we've been taking some short trips to try and get him used to it.

On Wednesday, we went to visit Daddy at work and have lunch with him. Then I had my 6 week doctor appointment. Everything is back in its place, so that's a good thing. Then we stopped by Nora's house and Connor got to see his first 2 year old. That was definitely an exciting experience for him.

On Thursday Connor and I went to meet a new pediatrician. This was our third one in this practice...we didn't like the other two and their "cry-it-out" approach to raising children. So we met Dr. Alcorn and although we had to wait a long time, it was worth it. She was very nice and open to our style of parenting. Our main discussion was the vaccine schedule. I want to stretch out the vaccines and not have them immunize him for 6 different things at one time. Dave and I both have really bad allergies and had febrile seizures (caused by high fever) as children. I don't want to take any chances. Also they don't think that vaccines cause autism, but all those chemicals and viruses being shot into small, immature systems can't be good. So we're going to slow things down and play it safe with the vaccines.

Oh yeah and Connor was up to 12 pounds at the doctor's office. That's 5 pounds in 6 weeks... which brings me to our next issue. My milk supply obviously is adequate for Connor (how else could he be so big), but I am having trouble pumping. I don't get enough out (and they turn blue in the process) to be able to sustain him while I'm away for longer periods of time (my guess is because he eats it all). So I've decided that I will not be going back to work this year. I still haven't broken the news to my bosses (please don't tell them yet)! The daycare that we were working on at school hasn't opened, or even been approved, so I can't keep him close and it's not worth it to send him to a daycare for a few weeks. So we're lucky enough to have the option to let me stay home and keep him growing!

Today some of our friends that live in Ft. Worth are coming down...along with Connor's first 1 yr old to play with. Then tomorrow we are having somewhere between 12 and 15 people over for Dave's food from Buffalo...yucky stuff like sausage and roast beef. So I'm hoping Connor lets me put him down long enough today to pick up the mess we call our house!

***Sorry Cher, nothing to funny today! I'll add a WTF here just for you!***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's one hungry boy! Good to hear he's got a healthy appetite! He looks so tan, too- must be that Texas sun. ;)

Love the updates and it's good to hear that everyone is doing well (albeit with lack of sleep and adequate meal times... but that is par for the course).

Can't wait to meet Connor in person!

Take care!