Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cute Kids

I took this picture because I thought the toys Evan had chosen were a funny assortment...stethoscope, watering can and cat piano on 3 couch cushions.

Being can see Evan is still saying "cheese." Connor has been playing with desert animals this week and watching Magic School Bus "All Dried Up" over and over. He has a tortoise in one hand and a baby coyote in the other. He also renamed the goose a road runner(which is actually a swan so already renamed). Maybe it's the record heat that has him so interested in the desert these days!

These two can destroy a house quicker than a Tasmanian devil!

Evan has been asking "going?" as we drive places...he continues to ask repeatedly even though you tell him where we're's getting a bit tiresome! He is also classifying things as "fun." Dave asked him a question yesterday and got a "fun Mommy" and I asked him a question today and got a "fun Daddy." They also got their haircut today (not pictured). Evan kept saying "fun haircut" but I think Connor would disagree!

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