Friday, January 22, 2010

Aunt Lydia & Uncle Matt Visit

Connor has been very into his tools lately. Doesn't he look cute?

My sister and her husband came to visit last weekend. We had a nice visit and got to do some touristy things around Austin that we hadn't done before. On Sunday we went to the Botanical Gardens. It was pretty dead but should be a fun place to take the boys in the spring. Evan had a good time though.

Connor took his drill and carried it around with him the entire time. He also loves this jacket "Tigger jacket" and his Elmo shoes.

Lydia and Matt in front of this little pond. I think this was the rose garden...should be beautiful soon.

On Monday we decided to take the boys to the Capitol of TX Zoo. After the Garmin sent us 30 miles out of the way to some random farm, we finally found the right dirt road to take us here. We almost didn't get out of the car when we saw this. But we decided to go ahead and give it a try since Connor seemed interested. We were a little worried this was one of those places that you get in but don't get out of. The ONE guy that runs the place is a little scary, but it turned out to be a good place.

Today's toy was Daddy's flashlight. He mostly carried it himself but did get a little help from us. He also convinced Uncle Matt to carry him part of the time.

Matt's trying to convince him to pet the donkey. He didn't fall for it. He did say "Horsy" most of the way through the "zoo" and there happens to be one that wanders around there. It walked right up to us but I would let him get down to get near it.

Aunt Lydia thought she'd give it a try with petting the goat, but again no dice. But he is MUCH closer to the animals than he's ever been before at a petting zoo.

Look at his face. He's doing that loud, fake, nervous laugh.

Evan had a good time "hanging" out too.

Come back soon Aunt Lydia and Uncle Matt!

Then today Connor has got a fever of 102! It's the highest fever he's ever had. I'm not sure what's going on. He's started coughing a bit too so we'll have to see how the weekend goes. Evan has his 4 month appt on Mon so we may all be in seeing the dr!

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