Friday, January 29, 2010

This Week

As you can tell from the's been an interesting week.

Both boys were at the dr on Monday morning. Evan had a well baby check and is 18lbs and 25 inches. Connor was 29 lbs and suffering a nasty virus. He is doing better today but still has a runny nose and cough.

Connor discovered a new tv show this week, Dinosaur Train. It's perfect for a 2 yr old boy with both dinosaurs and trains. He says "Saurus" and that means he wants to watch his new favorite show which I don't mind except that he wants to watch the same episode repeatedly. Anyway, that helps since we got him some dino toys for his birthday. I'm sure they'll be a hit!

Evan is a full on baby these longer an infant. He giggles and smiles. He watches Sophie and laughs at her. He has trouble nursing when we're out in public because he's so interested in what's going on around him. His napping during the day has gotten worse though. He will only sleep if someone...mostly holding him. Our house is WRECKED but our boys are happy so I guess I'll clean later. He did pretty well with Daddy this week when I went to my 2nd class, but is still refusing to take a bottle or any food from Dave.

We played with lots of friends this week and had a very busy week which means very few time-outs! Yeah!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Evan is 4 Months Old!


Notice Connor has Daddy's drill today.

I can't believe Evan is 4 months old already. He's getting sooo big. This outfit is a 12 month outfit. It's a little long but pretty much fits.

He's getting close to sitting up on his own. He can sit up alone but can't really support his trunk. He leans over his feet, but he's getting there.

He rolled over at 2.5 months and hasn't really done it again in the last month. I guess he forgot. He can arch his back too so rolling from belly to back should be coming soon too.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Aunt Lydia & Uncle Matt Visit

Connor has been very into his tools lately. Doesn't he look cute?

My sister and her husband came to visit last weekend. We had a nice visit and got to do some touristy things around Austin that we hadn't done before. On Sunday we went to the Botanical Gardens. It was pretty dead but should be a fun place to take the boys in the spring. Evan had a good time though.

Connor took his drill and carried it around with him the entire time. He also loves this jacket "Tigger jacket" and his Elmo shoes.

Lydia and Matt in front of this little pond. I think this was the rose garden...should be beautiful soon.

On Monday we decided to take the boys to the Capitol of TX Zoo. After the Garmin sent us 30 miles out of the way to some random farm, we finally found the right dirt road to take us here. We almost didn't get out of the car when we saw this. But we decided to go ahead and give it a try since Connor seemed interested. We were a little worried this was one of those places that you get in but don't get out of. The ONE guy that runs the place is a little scary, but it turned out to be a good place.

Today's toy was Daddy's flashlight. He mostly carried it himself but did get a little help from us. He also convinced Uncle Matt to carry him part of the time.

Matt's trying to convince him to pet the donkey. He didn't fall for it. He did say "Horsy" most of the way through the "zoo" and there happens to be one that wanders around there. It walked right up to us but I would let him get down to get near it.

Aunt Lydia thought she'd give it a try with petting the goat, but again no dice. But he is MUCH closer to the animals than he's ever been before at a petting zoo.

Look at his face. He's doing that loud, fake, nervous laugh.

Evan had a good time "hanging" out too.

Come back soon Aunt Lydia and Uncle Matt!

Then today Connor has got a fever of 102! It's the highest fever he's ever had. I'm not sure what's going on. He's started coughing a bit too so we'll have to see how the weekend goes. Evan has his 4 month appt on Mon so we may all be in seeing the dr!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Evan is getting so big and strong now that he can spend quality time in his Jumparoo as well as his walker (not going anywhere of course but sitting up and playing with toys.)

He likes it too...well, at least for 15 min. or so.

Connor likes to put on Daddy's shoes and try to walk around.

He's really trying out all of Evan's toys and gets mad when I put Evan in them.

I'm still working to get Evan to take a bottle. Connor decided that a bottle looked like a good idea...never thought so when he was Evan's age. He still doesn't know how to get anything out of it though, but he carried it around for 2 days.

We've been working on cereal, apples and formula since Mommy's night class starts this coming Wed. It's not been going so well. Hopefully he gets with the program when Mommy's not around and his #1 option isn't available.

Connor has been REALLY into his tools the last few days. He hammers and drills EVERYTHING. He carries around 2 tape measures and knows the names of all his tools. He's even been taking them to bed with him. The last two nights it's been after 10pm and you can still hear the drill going in his room and the hammer banging on the walls.

Evan seems to have gone through a growth spurt in the last week and a half or so. He was eating every 2-3 hours over night but he seems to be leveling out again. He still has the tail and the mohawk but the new hair that's growing in looks blond. He's even starting to look like he's gotten highlights. His eyes are a mix of grey, brown and green, maybe, so I'm not sure where they'll land. He giggles and smiles and is a pretty content long as someone is holding him!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Picture Day!!!

Today we went back to Portrait Innovations for Evan's first pictures and Connor's 2 yr old pics. It was a lot of hard work, but I think
we got some good ones. Let me know which ones you want. We have all of these printed out...lots of wallets too!

We got this one in Sepia for the front hall. I absolutely love this one. He is looking right at the camera and looks like he's so wise.

This one in Sepia too...what an angel!

This one in Sepia too...makes it easier to count the rolls!

We have this one as a close up so you can't see the stuff in the background.

This looks like a school picture to me. It makes me want to cry...he's so big!

I still can't believe he was sitting at any point during this experience, but there's photographic proof.

Comparing this to the 1 yr old pic is amazing...the changes are unreal!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sick, Sick Sick!

It has not been pretty around here lately. Connor had his first sinus infection and his first round of Amoxicillin. After about 5 days his cough had gone away and his nose was better. For New Year's Eve we went to some friends' house and he woke up the next morning covered in puke. It didn't seem to bother him but he did puke 2 more times (also his first non- baby puking). He's had some NASTY diapers too. Then Mommy got the chills, fever and nausea and then Daddy woke up sick in the middle of the night. It pretty much sucked up the end of our break and stopped all projects around the house. Luckily it went away pretty quickly..Connor actually got it first and is having the most trouble kicking it. Evan seems to be ok...he's always blowing out his diapers so it's hard to tell what's normal and what's not with him.

Today we went to the specialist. You may remember that we had to go see someone when Connor was about 4 months old to evaluate a hydrocele (hole where the testicles descended that didn't close before birth.) They said it should heal on it's own and be ok. By 1 it had sealed and they said no worries, but things never looked quite right to me. When Evan was born we were really able to see what "things" should look like and that's when we realized there was a problem for Connor. We went to see a different specialist hindsight, the one we should have seen the first time because he would have done the ultrasound initially to detect this problem. Anyway, Connor has an undescended testicle that needs to be surgically repaired. The surgery is scheduled for Feb. 18th. It is on an outpatient basis and takes about an hour. He should be up and running in a few days and will hopefully have no long term problems from it. Poor little guy is having a rough start to the new year but hopefully he gets it all over with now and the rest of the year will be clear sailing for him!