Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What We've Been Up To

On Wednesday, Lexie and Connor went to the Austin Zoo. They called every animal a dog, but still had fun.

On Thursday, the power went out at Dave's work so he came home early. Connor thought it was fun to play on his computer. He wasn't about to show us what he was working on though.

Here he is trying to get to my computer. He's into everything these days. He can climb and scheme to get to just about anything he wants.

On Saturday morning we took Sophie and Connor to Beagle Brigade. All the other beagles had fun, but Sophie growled and nipped at any beagle that came near her.

Then Connor and I went to Round Rock to visit with Kerith. She lives in Atlanta now, but was in town for the weekend.

Connor is still in love with his Elmo chair. Froggie was getting a little out of hand and Connor thought it was funny.

Connor is REALLY into books these days. He brings a book to you and then backs into your lap. This is great, right? Yes and no. I'm so excited that he loves books, but I would prefer to read a variety of books. We read the same 3 books over and over and over and over throughout the day.

On Sunday morning we colored Easter eggs.

Connor wanted to play with one. He had an egg snack just after this picture.

Addie came over on Sunday afternoon. She's just as interested in books. They really like the ones with dogs in them best though.

Last night I felt the baby for the first time. Just little bubbles, but I'm sure that's what it was. We have our next appointment in two weeks and they'll give me the paperwork to set up the appointment for the anatomy ultrasound. Very exciting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Connor has the "raising of one eyebrow" move down!