He's also gone back to signing "more." He learned how to sign it just before he turned 11 months and only did it for 2 weeks. But he signs more and finished now. He also knows where his belly and toes are and if you start to sing "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" he'll put his hands on his head and then bend down to his toes. We're still working on nose...he points to his head or his eye most of the time, he's only hit his nose once.
The inspection went pretty well. Everything in the house needed to be caulked according to the inspector...not sure if that's just his thing or if it really does, but it's an easy fix. There were a few things that needed a professional to check out so we'll probably ask that those be taken care of. We've gotten 2 quotes from movers...much less than we figured, and 3 quotes for the back fence...MUCH higher than we thought. We have a closing date and time on the 13th of May so hopefully all goes smoothly, yeah right, from now on. I've also found 2 playgroups in the neighborhood and emailed with a couple moms. This is a huge community so we're hopeful that we'll make some good friends..and get to play with the ones we already have.