Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our Anniversary

One year ago today, June 30th, we were married at the downtown Austin Hilton. It was a grand day and one I will cherish for the rest of my life. We had a beautiful ceremony with wonderful flowers, a delicious cake, a gorgeous dress, and special friends and family. It was all captured by two talented photographers. Dave allowed me to have the wedding I never let my self even dream of. We went all out and if we had to do it all over again...we'd do it exactly the same way! We have a wonderfully fulfilling life together with the most precious baby this world has ever known (I know, I'm biased). We are so lucky to have found each other (thank you and I can't wait to see what wonderful surprises life has in store for us.

Froggie's Night Out

So every morning Connor and I come downstairs, Connor sits in his chair with Froggie while I make coffee. This morning Froggie was no where to be found. I decided to check the car after not finding him in the house. When I got to the car I found Froggie passed out in the back seat. When I questioned him about why he spent the night in the car, he had no answers for me.

When Dave came down, I told him about finding Froggie passed out in the car. Dave admitted to letting Froggie take the Element out joy-riding last night.

I asked Connor if he knew anything about Froggie's night out...he said he was busy trying to keep track of this blue gecko and cow jumping over the moon.

I think he knows more than he's letting on though.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Doctor Appointment

We went in for Connor's 4 month appt. (he'll be 4 1/2 on Mon though). Anyway, he is definitely an overachiever. He was 18 lbs. 7 oz. which is greater than the 95th percentile. He was 25 1/2 inches long which is the 75th percentile (he's catching up). And his head was 17 3/4 inches which is greater than the 95th percentile. So his head and body are off the charts! He showed Dr. Alcorn how he can stand and roll over. He cried more over the oral vaccine than he did the shot. She said we could give him some frozen fruits in his little mesh chewy thing...that should be fun! He's definitely a "healthy" boy!

We went to the pool again today...he slept again today! I'm thinking maybe we should try going in the morning when he's a little more awake.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Fun!

Connor is really starting to dig this baby food thing. He likes sweet potatoes and apples.

We've been swimming a couple of times in the last week. He's not too interested in the whole pool thing though. We went with Aunt Nora today and decided to take a nap while we were in the pool. He needed a bath when we got done. I'm thinking sink baths are a thing of the past.

Connor has discovered that he can stand. He loves that and the jumparoo is starting to become a favorite toy. He can roll 270 degrees...just needs to figure how to get over that second fat little arm. While I have been working on this blog update he has discovered his toes. He loves to sit up and is pulling on toes as I type. We go to the doctor on Thursday for a 4 month check and more shots. That should be interesting.

Dave and I got to go on a date on Saturday night. Laura and James came over with baby Addie and stayed with Connor while we went to a sushi place down the street! Thanks guys!

We've made some new mommy/baby friends and are having a good time getting to know them.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back From Indy!

Connor wasn't so happy about the plane on the way to Indianapolis. He started screaming before the plane even took off. Luckily we had a nice lady sitting next to us. Also, Mommy had a drink with lots of ice in it...sucking on ice was the only thing that would get him to stop crying. Mommy learned her lesson though and gave him some Tylenol as soon as we got on the plane going home. It made for a much happier trip for all. We had a nice visit and saw lots of good friends. Grandma and Grandpa were very enamored and I'm sure will be visiting soon.

Connor made some new friends.

I went to take this picture of Connor in the chair and Lucy came running over and sat right in front!

This is just after he rolled from his belly to his back for the very first time on Friday the 13th! He wasn't sure what to do once he got there. At home he's only rolled a few times. Guess that big TV at Grandma's really motivated him!

Grandpa Joe

Grandma Betty

Monday, June 9, 2008

What we've been up to...

Connor likes to nap on Mommy.

Connor's still working on arm strength. Hopefully he'll get to crawling soon...yeah, right.

Connor got an outdoor swing. He's not sure about it, but Mommy and Daddy like it a lot.

Big bucks spent on the Beagle this weekend. Sophie had her annual check up. She's weighs 31 lbs and has to be sedated in order to let the vet touch her. Sophie was out of it the rest of the day. Marley was kind of excited about the lack of movement from the beagle.

She couldn't even play outside she was just too tired and upset.

Connor and I have gone to 2 different playgroups this past week. We met some nice people and lots of babies. Today Connor was the only boy...he liked that! Tomorrow Connor and I are getting on a plane and going to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Indianapolis. We are a little nervous about the flight on our own. We'll miss Daddy!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Official Portraits

I took Connor to Portrait Innovations today. They take photos with a digital camera. You choose the ones you want and come back in 30 min and they are ready to be picked up. It was really hard choosing. Here are some of my favorites....and yes, I got enough for everyone!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Froggie's Still Celebrating!

We went to The Oasis on the lake for dinner on Sat. night to celebrate Mommy's birthday. Again, Froggie got a little out of hand!

My good friends, Laura, Annie and Nora came out with their husbands to help us celebrate.

My garden is taking off, but I'm having some trouble with bugs. I have one unidentifiable one that is either a good bug to have in your garden or a very bad one. We still don't know. I've brewed some pesticide. Hopefully that will help. As you can see a few of the zucchini plants have been harmed. I picked two tomatoes and have quite a few flowers, so hopefully we'll have lots of veggies soon.

We started some cereal last week and a little banana this week. As you can see Connor's a little skeptical of the whole process. I know it's a little early, but the child weighs 17lbs. and Mommy thinks it's time for real food.

I don't think so!

Is this how this spoon thing works?

Here, take it back. Notice the finger is constantly in the mouth. We think teeth are not far off...another reason Mommy wants to introduce food.

Froggie continued his celebrating by going to visit Aunt Courtney at the Driftwood Winery.

Family photo

Aunt Courtney