Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lisa's Wedding

Last weekend we went to Grapevine, TX, for my cousin Lisa's wedding. This was the first time we got to meet cousin Walt (my cousin Mike's son) who is only 3 months older than Evan. Connor was always asking where Cousin Walt was and Cousin Walt called them "the babies".

Most of our pictures didn't turn out so well. Here's one of Uncle Roger walking Lisa down the aisle.

Lisa and was a quick the time we finished telling Connor to be quiet it was over, but it all turned out very nicely!

Evan being silly while coloring on the floor (and doors and tile and other toys, etc...).

Not sure what Connor is trying to do but as you can see Froggie has made a resurgence this week. Connor carried him around for about 3 days and even took him to school one day.

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