Monday, March 28, 2011

Evan is 18 Months!!!

Evan had his 18 month appointment today! He was 25lbs 9 oz (50%) and 31 3/4in (30%) and his head was only 85%ile instead of 90% like last time! He got 2 shots and barely cried at all! She kind of questioned me when I said I had no worries about him, but I don't. He is sweet, kind, friendly, sleeps and eats well and is your typical 18 month old. He is entering the octopus phase. We went to Target after the appt and when the cart got too near the shelves he was pulling things off and tossing them in the basket. He also likes to stand up in the carts these days so shopping is getting difficult!

Evan can say quite a bit and gets his meaning across most times. He loves Mickey Mouse, Elmo, Pablo and anything dog. I counted a few weeks ago and he had 4 blankets and 8 dogs in his bed. He loves to eat, but won't let me feed him anything. He insists on sitting on the potty anytime I do and makes me take off his diaper at bed time so he can sit on there naked. He peed a little in the potty and a lot on the floor last week...he may be potty trained before his brother! He still loves to have "Mama" hold him and makes sure I can't get anything done without him being right there to see. He loves to play in water and dump out toys and generally the rule with him is the messier the better! He's very helpful and sometimes he even shares with his brother...who rarely shares back with him!

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