Monday, November 29, 2010


Evan LOVES the new van with the DVD player! He says "Ehh-Ehhh" (Elmo) each time I set him in and get him out. You can also see one of his favorite toys in the picture, Dog-Dog. This boy loves dogs and Elmo! He can say "woof" now. He roars when he sees a lion. He makes the "ssss" sound when he sees Sophie. He still only has 5 teeth and he was 14 months last week.

Connor decided to build a fort and of course anything that Connor does...Evan wants to do too. Last night Connor was playing with some big foam letters. Evan would go over and steal one, and if Connor didn't notice he'd go hit him in the head and then run away laughing! It's gonna be a long 18 years with these two!

Helping Daddy put up the tree. The boys aren't actually very helpful with this process. They both refuse to leave any ornaments on the tree. We have had many arguments over whether ornaments are toys or not. Most of ours are hung on the top left so they can't get to them...even when they climb on the chair!

Evan also LOVES to vacuum! It's cute in a most annoying kind of way. He stands in the way when you vacuum. He gets out his vacuum and pushes it around behind you and generally makes the whole process a lot more difficult than it needs to be.

Thanksgiving was kind of quiet around here...just the four of us. The turkey didn't get done in time and those of us that eat at 5pm were having a hard time waiting until 6:30pm. The boys "ate" (Connor ate the roll and Evan ate the roll and turkey) while Dave was carving the turkey. By the time he was done and it was really time to eat, Connor was gone and Evan was throwing a fit and I had to attempt to hold him and eat. I vote for dinner at 4pm next year!

We all seem to have mostly recovered from our illnesses last week. I'm still coughing a bit. Marley seems to be a little more fragile and Connor is having some stomach issues related to the hard core antibiotics, but we're all much better than last week!

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