It's been a rough week around our house so far and it's only Tuesday afternoon!
Yesterday when we came downstairs we discovered that Marley had exploded all over the place. There was puke, pee and poop (P3)! She refused to eat or drink too. So we took her to the vet and he kept her all day. He was afraid she was having another bout of pancreatitis. She had no more problems through the day so he let us come get her around 4pm. On the way home, Connor said his ear hurt. Then he proceeded to puke IN my new car! The vet called to check on the dog and got quite a different story than they were expecting! Connor sat in front of the tv for the rest of the night like a zombie. He threw up 2 more times...Evan tried to help by getting him his bucket (which really just spilled puke all over the place) and by sitting directly in front of him and staring at him (which only pissed him off). But by 7:30pm Connor started to perk up and asked for some juice. He had a fever but we managed to get some Motrin in him before going to bed.
He and Marley both slept well through the night, but this morning Connor refused to get out of bed. His fever was up so we called and made an appointment for him. We scheduled with the vet too so we could drop Marley off on the way to the pediatrician. (Marley who was getting pretty mad because no one was feeding her.) On the way to the vet, you guessed it, he puked in the car again, but this time he did a better job of getting it on things. I had to call Dave to meet us at the dr, after throwing Marley at the vet, so we could clean Connor up. Turns out he has sinus infection and a blister on his ear drum! We came home, gave him some meds and he slept for over 2 hrs. Then he wanted juice and two pieces of toast and now he wants to go outside and play! Amazing how quickly they bounce back.
Meanwhile I'm have to feed Marley a tbsp of wet food every 2 hrs. She seems just fine. I would guess that this may just be a precursor to something worse. One of the tests came back 'abnormal' for pancreas function. She was able to fight this round off but it could come back at any time. She had pancreatitis 5 1/2 yrs ago and it was much worse so I'm not sure what this was, but I'd bet it's just being quiet today and will come back in the next few weeks....we'll see.
I seem to have the same cold that caused all of Connor's problems, but I can't take anything but Benedryl and Claritin for it so I'm suffering! I hope this neti pot helps soon!
Evan learned to say "Uh-oh" today at the dr's office. He said it so clearly that I asked Connor if he'd said it.
Dave is still bowling and enjoying it. Unfortunately two of the five people on his team have quit the company in the last few we'll have to see if it becomes contagious!