Saturday, July 17, 2010


Dave left his beer on the table and Evan found it the next morning!

More, please!

Belly up to the bar!
EWWW-WEEE! That's good!

We went to Ruta Maya and I took this pic of Connor with an app on my phone. Love the light!

We've had a busy week and poor Connor has had not so much fun. He spent a couple days in trouble. He ran into the street and then ran from me. So we had to leave our play date immediately and he lost his Pablo (fav show) privileges for the day. The next day he didn't come with me when it was time to leave another play date so Pablo was gone again. Then when we got home he went on a rampage and dumped out all his toys. I told him he had to pick them up or they were going in the trash. He didn't like that idea, but he also didn't pick them up. So out came the trash bag and a few toys went in. He got really upset and started looking like he was going to pick them up. After about an hour and many attempts to convince him to pick up the toys and him ignoring me...the toys went into the trash bag and into the garage. He was not happy! The next day was trash day and he got up and asked about his toys right away. So we put them away before the trash man came! Whew!

Bodie is still having some trouble adjusting. He's pooped on the floor twice this week, hung himself while trying to jump the fence, run away and just been a general nuisance. I'm not sure if he realizes that Marley is alive and not a stuffed animal that moves. He's tried to get her a couple of times. Today he tried and she snapped at him and he jumped away. But then he tried again and she chased him into the other room...pretty funny when the 15lb 15 yr old dog can scare the 70lb lab!

I've lost about 6 lbs since the beginning of June (meaning all the baby weight is gone!) and our Pflugervile Pfit Pfolks weight loss competition. I started running again a couple of weeks ago and am surprised by how well I'm doing....up to 20 straight min on the treadmill and moving up to 25 min tomorrow. I was able to take out 5 more pairs of jeans last night from my pre-pregnancy clothes. It's awesome! It's very weird though because my body is not the same shape any more, so all my clothes fit differently because they aren't tight where they used to be and are tight where they never were before. Hoping that if I keep running it will even back out.

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