Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We've been playing in the backyard the last few days. Connor carries his ball all around the yard while I go on a "hunting" expedition for dog presents.

He just likes to be outside.

Isn't he cute?

I bought some bubbles at Target today. Connor wasn't all that interested but Sophie thought it was cool.

I've been trying to teach him to climb up the back of this and then slide down the front. After this picture, he decided to just walk down the slide. He has no concept of falling off things and what can hurt him. I have to watch him at-all-times because he likes to climb up and shoot down stairs.

He found Sophie's ball...Sophie found his hat.

Sophie realized he has her ball...which she doesn't really want to play with, but doesn't want him to have either.

Connor discovered how to get on his Tonka truck today AND how to make it go by himself. He doesn't know how to back up though and just sits up against the wall or oven when he runs into them.

I'm 10 weeks today. I was really feeling bad last week, but a little better this week. I decided to get a membership for the gym to help with the weight gain. Yesterday we went for the first time. Connor got to go to the Kid's Club while I walked on the treadmill (with it's own tv with cable...very cool). I was pretty nervous about him going, but he did great. He just kind of stood around at first, but when I went back to get him 30 min. later he was climbing on stuff and had to be dragged out. Hopefully this will be good for both of us!

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