Sunday, August 5, 2012

Little Monsters

Connor discovered edamame (again) and absolutely loved it. He thought it was so fun to push the beans out and watch them fly across the table. He would laugh hysterically before each bite.

Then there's this other little monster! Who knows what he was trying to charm out of me...but look at this face, he probably got whatever he wanted!

We met with the social worker for the first time this past Thursday. We were able to hand her most of the paper work that she needed and just have to get a couple of other things together. Dave will meet with her this Wednesday and I will the next week. Then we'll have one more meeting to finalize the home study and answer all of her questions so she can write up her report. Hopefully we can get everything put together and get all of our paperwork notarized and authenticated and translated and all that stuff to get our paperwork to China by Thanksgiving.

Connor starts preschool this week! We go to meet his teacher on Monday and then he'll go three mornings a week! Let's hope he's nicer to them than he is to his brother! They are like little octopi these days...all arms smacking each other! It really is funny, but Connor needs to stop instigating it because Evan hits much harder than he does!

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