So I've been going back and forth with what to do for Connor's schooling. Right now he is registered at a Montessori preschool down the street. My concern is that he will have to go through all of the activities even though he's beyond some of them and I'd rather that he use his time to learn new things. So this week we started doing some homeschooling just to see how receptive he would be to the idea of staying home and doing school with Mommy. Within 10 min the first morning he said, "Mommy, are you my teacher?" He seems to like the idea. We've been doing calendar time, some practice cutting and some playing with shape blocks. Both boys seem to be liking it and we're getting through a lot of stuff in an hour a day. They keep running upstairs to "play" with the shape blocks and do puzzles. Evan wants to spend the whole time gluing things together.
So we're pretty sure that we're going to keep him home this next year and I will teach them. I've already got the ideas I want to do pretty much picked out...building, puzzles, cooking, along with some of the basic stuff. He is reading basic books with easily decodable words and sight's not fluent yet, but he's still working hard. He likes to spell still and is starting to write letters. He won't let me teach him the correct way to form the letters, but hopefully he will before he gets the wrong ways set.
So for now, I think the best thing is to save the money for preschool and "play" school at home!