Evan is 8 months old today! It's amazing! He's so big and fun!

He can get anywhere and almost anything he wants now. He's all over the house and following Connor and making him scream..just the beginning of that I'm sure! He can crawl on his knees or his hands and feet and pull up on things. He's become attached to these little finger puppets (in his left hand). He carries them around everywhere, but he doesn't sleep with them.

He still has no teeth, but is getting good at feeding himself Puffs. He's starting to learn some words. He knows Connor, Sophie, milkies, all done and Evan. He claps and we say "Yeah" and he waves and we say "Hi!" which he thinks is funny.

Connor got a new Tag Reader this weekend. I had been wanting to get him one for a while now, but I found it on sale for 50% plus I had an additional $5 off coupon so now was the time! He loves it. He knows that if he touches the words with the pen it will read it for him. (He's upset that it doesn't work on all books so we have to work on increasing our Tag Reader library.) He's also shown us that he knows some letter sounds by playing some of the games in the back of the books. We've been having a heck of time with getting him to sleep lately. Let's hope it's just a phase and not the way things are going to go from now on. It's been taking him 2 hrs to fall asleep at night...I'm exhausted!

We've been doing a little curb appeal improvement on the house. As you can see the money we spent on the sprinkler system last fall was definitely worth it. We planted some flowers in front and Dave painted the shutters black this weekend making it all come together to look like a real house and not a neglected shack! We've lived here for a year last week and I think we've made some positive improvements. We are definitely happy we're here and have all this room to run around in.
BTW, I was elected President of my Moms Club this past Friday. I'm looking forward to a fun year of being more involved in my community!
I also found out last week that I may only have 6 years to complete my Master's degree and I'm already 4 yrs into it and still have 6 classes to go. So I'm trying to get a definite answer on the time limit and trying to figure out if I want to take classes this summer (which I KNOW I don't but may have to to get it done).
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