Sunday, April 18, 2010


Marley turned 15 on Monday. On Wednesday I got a call from the neighbor saying he had her. Apparently she walked out of the fence...which we knew she could do but didn't think she knew it. When I got to the neighbor's house, only 2 doors down, he said "I didn't think I should try and take this from her." I looked down and saw that she had a frog in her mouth. So I clipped the leash on her and walked her home. She pranced all the way with her head held proudly high. Then I wrestled the frog away from her when we got home. It was pretty dehydrated so it wasn't too bad, but still... A few years ago we had an incident with a toad where she apparently got too close and it made her foam at the mouth. Thank goodness dead frogs don't do that too! She's still causing problems at 15! I can't wait to see what the rest of 15 does to her.

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