Sunday, May 31, 2009

Moved In!

We're all moved in...still have many boxes to get through though...and one of them has the camera cord in it so no pictures until that's found! Sorry!

We are really enjoying our new house and all the space that we have now. Sophie and Marley got their fence and are having fun chasing bunnies and birdies and barking at EVERYTHING! We're having a hard time finding the battery that goes into Sophie's "control" collar but we need to find it before we get kicked out of the neighborhood. We still have a bird nest in the back yard and are awaiting the arrival of 4 baby birds.

Connor is doing great. He's pretty banged up from climbing everything, but he's enjoying all the room to run. He's sleeping pretty well in his new room and starting to say more words. He says "bye-bye" but only when it means "let's go somewhere." He says wall, waffle and water...all kind of the same sound but he seems to know the difference. He still loves balls but has thrown Froggie to the side. Poor Froggie spends all his time in bed and only gets loved on once or twice a week. He now LOVES a little blue dog that he calls...Doggie (surprised?). This doggie has a nose perfect for chewing on and he carries it around in his mouth by the nose. That nose is about to fall off though and I have no idea how to fix it, but I need to figure it out FAST!

We had a house warming party yesterday. Lots of friends stopped by and even a few new neighbors. It was funny to look around and see how the parties have changed over the last few years. The adult parties are LONG gone and the margaritas have been replaced with juice boxes. There was lots of jumping, running, falling and playing and the dogs got LOTS more food than they should have. But a good time was had by all!

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