Connor decided that Big Dog needed to eat breakfast with him the other day...needless to say Big Dog needs a bath now (Sophie took care of that).
In the old house, Connor used to gather up the dog bowls and put them away when the dogs were done eating. In the new house though, the dogs get fed in the laundry room and we pretty much just leave the bowls out. So last night Connor decided to go get the bowls and bring them into the family room. He set them on the hearth, turned his water cup upside down and shook some water into one of the bowls and then proceeded to try to drink out of the bowl. I was laughing pretty hard so Dave had to get up and get him. He was very upset that the bowls were taken away. We should have gotten a picture of that, but it all happened too fast.
I've been trying to make a list of all the words/signs Connor uses right now. I like to use the blog as his baby book...eventually I will even finish making it into a book. So here's his list of expressive vocabulary...he understands MUCH more though:
water (+ signs it)
all done (+ signs it)
down (+ signs it)
music (only signs)
bye-bye (+ signs it but won't wave)
diaper (+ points to it)
more (only signs)
head (points only)
toes (points only)
belly (points and says)
no (shakes head only)
yes (shakes head only)
dance-dance-dance (moves his feet really fast)
this (pronounced dis)
yucky (only sticks his tongue in and out)
nigh-night (says di-di)